Carnarvon WA
See & Do
Carnarvon is the regional centre for the Gascoyne, and is positioned at the mouth of the Gascoyne River, 904km north of Perth, between two World Heritage areas – Shark Bay to the south and the Ningaloo Reef which begins just north of the town site of Carnarvon.
The Shire of Carnarvon encompasses an area of 53,000 square km, including popular tourist locations, Gladstone beach (to the south), Blowholes, Quobba (including Red Bluff), Gnaraloo Station, Warroora Station and Coral Bay to the north. The town also acts as the gateway to the world’s largest Monolith Mt Augustus, and the Kennedy Range national park, located to the east of Carnarvon (within the Shire of Upper Gascoyne).
With such a diverse range of attractions Carnarvon and the Gascoyne can cater for a range of different interests and activities for your next holiday.

Whether you want to experience natural wonders, extraordinary local history, adventure or chance to bliss out, Carnarvon has it all.
There are several striking historic buildings and edifices in Carnarvon, in town, the original Jubilee Hall is a reminder of yesteryear. Got a train buff in the family? Then head to the Railway Station Museum. It’s home of the Kimberley Steam Train, the last steam train to operate in the north west.
The Heritage Precinct is a must-see part of any visit to Carnarvon. Several significant historical edifices are there, including the One Mile Jetty. Celebrating Carnarvon’s rich pastoral heritage, WA’s first Shearing Hall of Fame is place to discover more about this hard-yakka profession. You can visit the Light House Keepers Cottage, a simple residence built around 1900, used until the 1970s and now restored to showcase memorabilia from bygone days. And of course, no visit to Carnarvon would be complete without a few hours spent at the fascinating Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum.
Carnarvon is a tropical oasis in a parched landscape. Thanks to this unique geographical advantage, Carnarvon’s fertile plantations and farms supply the majority of Perth’s fruit and vegetables during the winter months. And yet, if you visit during the summer months, this mighty river is dry as a bone; its parched, wide riverbed leaving an echo of its true nature, owing only after the rains fall further inland. Known as an ephemeral river, the Gascoyne is the key to Carnarvon’s extraordinary place in WA’s agricultural story. Its proximity to the bountiful Indian Ocean also means that Carnarvon has a thriving prawn, scallop, crab and fishing industry so make sure you sample some local specialities in Carnarvon.
Art is an important part of Carnarvon’s DNA – there are talented artists and creators working in and around town, with exhibitions at the Carnarvon Library and Art Gallery throughout the year. Make sure you take in Carnarvon’s main street’s public art; stunning piece have been produced by local artists.
Some epic catches are possible along the Carnarvon coastline. Head to Teggs Channel, a purpose built fishing spot for anglers. The prawning jetty was built in 1950s for Whale chasers when the Nor-West Whaling station was open.
Carnarvon is a hot spot for bird watchers. Bring some binoculars and get ready to spot whistling kites, wedge-tailed eagles, little eagles and brown falcons. Try Chinamans’s Pool, Miabooyla Beach and New Beach Bush Bay.
If you’ve got time to spare in Carnarvon, head to the Fascine Town Beach. It’s a safe beach for kids especially; you can also swim to the pontoon in the Fascine and you can fish anywhere along the elegant crescent. The Fascine is where you will catch one of the best sunsets in Western Australia.
We’ve got so much to share with you! Click the titles below to read more about our fascinating and world-class attractions.

ADDRESS 21 Robinson St, Carnarvon, WA 6701
PHONE (08) 9941 1146
The above information was sourced from